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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/12365

タイトル: System design and analysis for maximum consuming power control in smart house
著者: Umer, Saher
Kaneko, Mineo
Tan, Yasuo
Lim, Azman Osman
キーワード: home energy management system
smart meter
power supply
power demand
power system stability
発行日: 2014-03
出版者: Engineering and Technology Publishing
誌名: Journal of Automation and Control Engineering (JOACE)
巻: 2
号: 1
開始ページ: 43
終了ページ: 48
DOI: 10.12720/joace.2.1.43-48
抄録: The efficiency, reliability, and stability of the smart house is expected to be significantly improved via home energy management system (HEMS), and smart meter (SM) is the most essential part of the energy system used to connect individual home appliance to the energy management system. As more and more home appliances and consumer electronics are deployed, the power consumption in smart house (1) tends to grow and (2) leads an increase in the risk of power blackout. In this paper, we propose a system design for controlling maximum consuming power and preventing home blackout. Proposed system consists of SM and home appliances, and we assume that SM will provide access to the power generated and consumed of the appliance, but with a time delay. Then, we analyze the resulting design to illustrate the impact of SM, for two important properties of the smart house, preventing power blackout and maintaining power system stability. We also present the simulation results which show the appliance power consumption behavior when the available power is limited. Simulation results also help us in applying stability test with stable/unstable and overshoot/non-overshoot regions.
Rights: Copyright (C) 2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing. Saher Umer, Mineo Kaneko, Yasuo Tan and Azman Osman Lim, Journal of Automation and Control Engineering (JOACE), 2(1), 2014, 43-48. This material is posted here with permission of Engineering and Technology Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.12720/joace.2.1.43-48
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/12365
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:b10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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