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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3956

タイトル: Common Representations of Soft and Hard Declarative Knowledge
著者: Wiesław, Traczyk
キーワード: certainty factors
value qualifiers
fuzzy sets
rough sets
description logics
発行日: Nov-2005
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: Features soft and hard are often attached to such concepts as computing, knowledge, systems, operational research and the others, in order to stress different level of precision, certainty and completeness. In particular, Soft Systems Methodology and knowledge creation spirals are iterative processes, which steps should have different levels of hardness: from a very general and vague form in the first iteration (a beginning stage of knowledge creation) to more formal description in the last iteration (particularly if a model is to be processed by computer). The basic assumption of this approach is that, inserting certainty factors and concept qualifiers into conventional expressions of knowledge representation, we can control their level of hardness, preserving common representation for soft and hard knowledge. Declarative knowledge is defined and its representations are divided into relation-based and mapping-based. The former are described by modified Description Language, and the latter by conventional logic with inserted factors.
記述: The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.html
IFSR 2005 : Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research : The New Roles of Systems Sciences For a Knowledge-based Society : Nov. 14-17, 2166, Kobe, Japan
Symposium 6, Session 7 : Vision of Knowledge Civilization Teaching and Knowledge
言語: ENG
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/3956
ISBN: 4-903092-02-X
出現コレクション:IFSR 2005


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