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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4154

タイトル: MOT Education Expected by Small and Medium : Sized Enterprises
著者: MATSUI, Hiroyuki
キーワード: MOT
Knowledge management
Creative Human Resources
Knowledge leadership
発行日: Nov-2007
出版者: JAIST Press
抄録: In Japan, the 1990s are referred to as "the lost decade," during which companies could no longer expect sustainable growth in high-quality and mass production businesses through exclusive support of efficiency. Management approaches using technologies as competitive strength came to be desired, in addition to "MBA" education (human resource development of management executives that realizes corporate and project strategies). The necessity for MOT education has also been drastically affected by the historical background, and transformed. "MOT" education has been increasingly attracting attention in Japan, which advocates herself as built on intellectual property, unlike the old days. In fact, MOT incorporates "information" and "technology" as important management components as well as management resources: "human, development, and financial resources." It emphasizes that using technology as a great corporate strategy is a subject leading to the future era. Since our foundation, we have provided to clients technology-development support and new technologies as an information industry. All together, we studied in 2005 and 2006 to Monotsukuri Management Practice School (MMPS) of the University of Electro-Communications for further contribution to our customers. The expectation for MOT education through this participation is discussed in this report.
記述: The original publication is available at JAIST Press http://www.jaist.ac.jp/library/jaist-press/index.html
Proceedings of KSS'2007 : The Eighth International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences : November 5-7, 2007, [Ishikawa High-Tech Conference Center, Nomi, Ishikawa, JAPAN]
Organized by: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
言語: ENG
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4154
ISBN: 9784903092072


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