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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4735

タイトル: Fabrication of spintronics device by direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from ferromagnetic electrodes
著者: Mohamed, Mohd Ambri
Inami, Nobuhito
Shikoh, Eiji
Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki
Hori, Hidenobu
Fujiwara, Akihiko
キーワード: single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)
alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition (ACCVD)
direct synthesis
magnetoresistance (MR)
spintronics device
発行日: 2008-07-24
出版者: Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited
誌名: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
巻: 9
号: 2
開始ページ: 025019-1
終了ページ: 025019-5
DOI: 10.1088/1468-6996/9/2/025019
抄録: We describe an alternative method for realizing a carbon nanotube spin field-effect transistor device by the direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on substrates by alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition. We observed hysteretic magnetoresistance (MR) at low temperatures due to spin-dependent transport. In these devices, the maximum ratio in resistance variation of MR was found to be 1.8%.
Rights: Copyright (c) 2008 National Institute for Materials Science. M. A. Mohamed, N. Inami, E. Shikoh, Y. Yamamoto, H. Hori, and A. Fujiwara, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 9(2), 2008, 025019. http://stacks.iop.org/STAM/9/025019
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/4735
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:c10-1. 雑誌掲載論文 (Journal Articles)


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