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検索結果: 4108-4128 / 18129.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
31-Oct-2014 | Quantifying Engagement of Various Games | Xiong, Shuo; Zuo, Long; Chiewvanichakorn, Rachaya; Iida, Hiroyuki |
Jul-2017 | Quantifying the impact of active choice in word learning | Hidaka, Shohei; Torii, Takuma; Kachergis, George |
Mar-2024 | Quantitative analysis on the effectiveness of CRM training in aviation industry | 岡田, 拓巳; おかだ, たくみ |
26-Oct-2012 | Quantitative Linking Hypotheses for Infant Eye Movements | Yurovsky, Daniel; Hidaka, Shohei; Wu, Rachel |
Mar-2014 | A Quantitative Method to Rank and Analyze the Organizational Innovation: Case Study for Japanese Universities | 松尾, 亮輔; まつお, りょうすけ |
22-Jul-2012 | Quantitatively assessing the effects of regulatory factors on nucleosome dynamics by multiple kernel learning | Ho, Bich Hai; Le, Ngoc Tu; Ho, Tu Bao |
28-May-1999 | A quantum algorithm for finding the κ-th smallest member | Mihara, Takashi; Sung, Shao Chin |
25-Jun-2012 | Quantum Monte Carlo study of high-pressure cubic TiO_2 | Abbasnejad, M.; Shojaee, E.; Mohammadizadeh, M. R.; Alaei, M.; Maezono, Ryo |
29-Aug-2008 | Quantum Monte Carlo study of porphyrin transition metal complexes | Koseki, Jun; Maezono, Ryo; Tachikawa, Masanori; Towler, M. D.; Needs, R. J. |
28-Sep-2012 | Quantum Monte Carlo study of pressure-induced B3−B1 phase transition in GaAs | Ouma, C. N. M.; Mapelu, M. Z.; Makau, N. W.; Amolo, G. O.; Maezono, Ryo |
22-Jun-2017 | Quasi-stabilized hydration layers on muscovite mica under a thin water film grown from humid air | Arai, Toyoko; Sato, Kohei; Iida, Asuka; Tomitori, Masahiko |
Sep-2022 | Query-Focused Extractive Text Summarization for Multi-Topic Document | 水野, 慎一朗; みずの, しんいちろう |
27-Feb-2019 | Quondam Experts Finder:「昔取った杵柄」的人材を 顕在化する娯楽的Know-who支援システム | 小森, 麻友香; 高島, 健太郎; 西本, 一志 |
24-Oct-2002 | R & D による地域産業創造と活性化 : コーディネーター体制からプロデューサー体制への転換 | Kwon, Songwook |
24-Oct-1998 | R&D as an engine of technological progress in IT | Allani, Chokri; Kodama, Fumio |
24-Oct-2002 | R&D Cooperation Cycles and Interaction Friendly R&D Structure | Yong, HurJae; 渡辺, 千仭 |
22-Oct-1993 | R&D Culture and Changing Times ; Experience of 3M | Gastaldo, Antonio |
19-Oct-2001 | R&D Interaction as an accelerator of creative innovation in systems of innovation | Yong, Hur Jae; 渡辺, 千仭 |
30-Jul-2012 | R&D Management Based on the Relationship between the Achievement of R&D and Commercialization | Hirabayashi, Yuji; Ikawa, Yasuo; Aoki, Sigeru; Hiraishi, Kunihiko; Sugihara, Taro; Sai, Shunsei; Uchihira, Naoshi; Chino, Tetsuro; Torii, Kentarou |
7-Nov-2003 | R&D Networks in the U.S. : Emerging Concentration? | 岡村, 浩一郎; Vonortas, Nicholas S. |
2-Nov-2013 | R&D Strategy in Japan as a technology-oriented global service company | 大澤, 理; 山手, 勉 |