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第6回知識創造支援システムシンポジウム報告書<2009年> >

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タイトル: リモートポインティングと方向キー操作を組み合わせたアイコン選択手法
その他のタイトル: An icon acquisition technique using combination of remote-pointing and arrow-key operation
著者: 藤原, 仁貴
志築, 文太郎
田中, 二郎
著者(別表記): FUJIWARA, Masaki
SHIZUKI, Buntarou
キーワード: large display
target acquisition
freehand pointing
発行日: 30-Mar-2009
出版者: 日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
抄録: There are a lot of researches of remote-pointing devices for large displays which a user can point at a distant position form the display. However, there are problems when a user does pointing. For example, a user can not keep hotspot at his or her intended point, or the user can not point accurately because of hand jitter. Therefore, it is difficult and intrusive for the user to acquire small target from overlapped icons. In this research, we present an icon acquisition technique using combination of remote-pointing and arrow-key operation. First, the user selects candidates of a target with area cursor. The candidates are shown in a circular pattern. Second, the user selects the target by pressing arrow-key from the candidates. We conducted a preliminary experiment to verify whether our method improves the performance in acquisition of a small target from overlapped icons.
記述: 第六回知識創造支援システムシンポジウム, 主催:日本創造学会, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学, 共催:石川県産業創出支援機構文部科学省知的クラスター創成事業金沢地域「アウェアホームのためのアウェア技術の開発研究」, 開催:平成21年2月26日~28日, 報告書発行:平成21年3月30日
言語: jpn
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/7983


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