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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9973

タイトル: Influences of transformed auditory feedback with first three formant frequencies
著者: Shih, Tsungming
Suemitsu, Atsuo
Akagi, Masato
発行日: 2011-03-03
出版者: 2011 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
誌名: 2011 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing (NCSP'11)
開始ページ: 340
終了ページ: 343
抄録: Auditory feedback is one of important roles from speech production to perception. It also directly affects speech production under several feedback situations, such as noise environment, delayed auditory feedback (DAF) and transformed auditory feedback (TAF). Previous investigations have shown that compensation is the main response to TAF with the voice features, like fundamental frequency or formant frequencies (F1 and F2). However,human response to the perturbations of the first three formant frequencies (F1, F2 and F3) is still indistinct. Therefore, the purpose of the current study is to examine the influence of TAF with F1, F2 and F3 on speech production. The results obtained from 9 subjects showed that the average latency response to TAF was presented within 140 ms. Moreover, the major response was the following response which was quite different from that ofthe previous researches, compensation. Consequently, the reason induced these two responses to TAF needs to be clarified in the coming study.
Rights: This material is posted here with permission of the Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan. Tsungming Shih, Atsuo Suemitsu and Masato Akagi, 2011 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing (NCSP'11), 2011, pp.340-343.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9973
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:b11-1. 会議発表論文・発表資料 (Conference Papers)


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