JAIST Repository is a digital collection for providing access to JAIST's research materials such as journal articles, theses and research reports through the Internet.
This Search System includes the following useful features:
- For prospective students... Help to find a faculty members related to your research project.
- For researchers of external organizations... Help to explore the possibility of joint research project.
- For JAIST students... Help to find faculty members for your minor research project.
- For JAIST faculty members & students... Get information of related research and expand your research.
- Feature 1.
Keywords connect articles, and the articles connect faculties.
- Feature 2.
You can see "Related Keywords" that extracted from the author's keywords of articles that include the entered word.
Also, it is possible to search faculty's articles again that contain the same author's keywords by a related keyword.
- All items in JAIST Repository are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved. Copyright remains with the author or publisher. if you want to use the materials beyond the scope of personal use or quotation, etc. as is prescribed in Copyright Act (Act No. 48 1970), you must have permission of the copyright holder.
- JAIST Repository collect contents which are permitted to use by the copyright holder. it does not contain all of the digital content of JAIST.
For more information about JAIST Repository, please see here.
Contact : Library Information Section, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. kanri at ml.jaist.ac.jp
(Remember to change "at" to @ when sending e-mail.)