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検索結果: 2042-2062 / 18095.

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発行日タイトル 著者
18-Feb-2015 Generic Proof Scores for Generate & Check Method in CafeOBJFutatsugi, Kokichi
3-Oct-2016 Genesis of Bi-functional Acid-Base Site on Cr-supported Layered Double Hydroxide Catalyst Surface for One-pot Synthesis of Furfurals from Xylose with Solid Acid CatalystShirotori, Mahiro; Nishimura, Shun; Ebitani, Kohki
Jun-2006 Geographical effects on the path length and the robustness in complex networksHayashi, Y; Matsukubo, J
13-Jan-2011 Geographical networks stochastically constructed by a self-similar tiling according to populationHayashi, Yukio; Ono, Yasumasa
7-Mar-2009 A geometric approach to deploying robot swarmsLee, Geunho; Chong, Nak Young
5-Jun-2019 Germanene on Insulators: Towards the realization of a 2D topological insulatorフロランス, アントワーヌ; Fleurence, Antoine
Jul-2004 Germanium nanostructures on silicon observed by scanning probe microscopyTomitori, Masahiko; Arai, Toyoko
Sep-2017 Germanium Surface Structures on Zirconium Diboride Thin Films Grown on Ge(111)Wallace, Steaphan Mark; うぉれす, すてぱん まーく 
6-Mar-2013 Gestalt Imprinting Method: 漢字形状記憶の損失を防ぐ漢字入力方式魏, 建寧; 小倉, 加奈代; 西本, 一志; Wei, Jianning; Ogura, Kanayo; Nishimoto, Kazushi
Mar-1996 GFP 遺伝子のメダカへの導入と解析大沢, 円華
Mar-2002 GFP融合タンパク質の細胞での発現と局在化の解析藤田, 裕美; ふじた, ひろみ
28-Oct-2023 GHG削減戦略は日本の海事産業発展の好機岡田, 紀代蔵; 余頃, 聡
2012 Ghost ChimneysCharlton, David; Demaine, Erik D.; Demaine, Martin L.; Dujmovic, Vida; Morin, Pat; Uehara, Ryuhei
2-Mar-2020 GhostCube : 逆再生によるルービックキューブ解法支援鯵坂, 修平; 原, 慎一朗; 松内, 萌; 羅, 書洋; 吉田, 匠吾; 謝, 浩然; 宮田, 一乘
17-Mar-2012 GiantCutlery: 大皿料理が潜在的に有するコミュニケーション活性化機能を引き出す食卓メディア田中, 唯太; 小倉, 加奈代; 西本, 一志; Tanaka, Yuta; Ogura, Kanayo; Nishimoto,Kazushi
30-Oct-2021 GIPC報告書と米国の知的財産制度の関連性に関する調査研究生越, 由美
Mar-2018 Gitの履歴を利用したソ ースコード内のぜい弱性検知山本, 健太; やまもと, けんた
Dec-2006 Glivenko theorems for substructural logics over FLGalatos, Nikolaos; Ono, Hiroakira
13-Jun-2009 Glivenko theorems revisitedOno, Hiroakira
Nov-2005 Global Agoras for Creating a Knowledge Society : The Example of the Center of Excellence (COE) Boundary-spanning Dialog Approach (BDA) Project at International ChristianPaul, Hays; Jacqueline, Wasilewski; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Mar-2020 Global Context Extraction with Hierarchical Model for Document-Level Neural Machine Translation曹, 逸銘; そう, いつめい
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